

Animation Director, Producer, Teacher and Director of the Casa Museu de Vilar (Animation Museum)
Licence in Fine Arts by the Oporto Art School, Internship at the National Film Board of Canada, where he directs his first film.
Founder of: Filmógrafo (Oporto Animation Studio), Casa da Animação (The Animation House), Ciclope Filmes and the Casa Museu de Vilar.
Animation Director : Oh que Calma (How Calm it is - 1985), Time of Darkness (1987), The Outlaws (1993), Fado Lusitano (1995), Stowaway (2000) and co-directs with Laura Gonçalves, Alice Guimarães and Daniela Duarte Our Lady of Presentation (2015)
Animation Producer: The Night (1999), Tragic Story with Happy Ending (2005), Kali the Little Vampire
(2012) and Uncle Thomas Accounting for the Days (2019), 4 films by Regina Pessoa, Interstices (2001) by
Marina Graça, Amelia & Duarte (2015) by Alice Guimarães and Mónica Santos, Ride (2017) by Paul Bush and Altötting (2020) by Andreas Hykade.
Animation Workshop Leader in many countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Israel, Scotland, Poland, Brasil Mexico, China, Bulgaria and Greece
Animation Teacher: Catholic University of Oporto, ESAG (Art School of Guimarães), University of Algarve
(Portugal), The Tainan University of the Arts (Taiwan), BAU (Barcelona - Spain) and ALBA (Lebanese Art School - Beirut, Lebanon).
ASIFA (the International Association of Animated Film) President (2000~2002) and ASIFA Workshop Group Vice President (1995-2002)
Today he directs the Casa Museu de Vilar, where he presents the Emile Reynaud Optical Theatre and Ciclope Filmes where he produces: Virgin Fandango by Marcy Page and Mother’s Faces by Regina Pessoa, leads several Children and Youngsters
Animation Workshops and presents Magic Lantern Shows


Mina Sablić Papajić graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, Department of Dramaturgy. At the Faculty of Political Sciences, within the Cultural Studies program, she completed her master's degree and continued with her doctorate degree with the subject of her research  being Yugoslav and Balkan animation. She participated  in several scientific conferences in the field of Animation studies, and presented Balkan animated film programs at foreign festivals. In the last six years she has been a part of the selection and programming team of the European Animated Film Festival "Balkanima". At the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, she works as an associate at the Department of Animation. As a screenwriter, she collaborated with several authors and animation studios.Pobert.jpg

Robert Hinterleitner is an Austrian artist, curator and media educator who has been involved in media education for young people especially since 2013, primarily through his work at the Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz and its youth programme YAAAS! He founded the programme in 2018 and ran it for 6 festival editions until 2024. Among other things, it offers film education and DIY video production. He is also active in initiatives such as the Youth Cinema Network and the Academy of Austrian Film's working group on film education. His artistic projects are mostly transmedial and conceptual, with a preference for installations and short films. But he is currently working on his first feature film, which is about August Walla, an Austrian outsider artist and his delusions, which he expresses in a fantastic world of images.


Editor of the film program of the Cultural Centre of Niš and one of the main organizers of the Film Festival "Filmski susreti” in Niš. He published film reviews in daily press and periodicals and he’s one of the editors of the film magazine “Filaž” from Niš. He’s the author of books such as “Prohujalo (sa) etrom” (Gone with ether) and “Nebo iznad celuloida” (The Sky above Celluloid) co-author of the books “Vodič kroz 40 godina Festivala glumačkih ostvarenja u Nišu” (The Guide to 40 years of the Film Festival  in Niš) “Vodič kroz 50 godina Festivala glumačkih ostvarenja u Nišu“ (The Guide to 50 years of the Film Festival in Niš) and “Na talasima animacije” (On the Waves of Animation), editor of the monograph “Pedeset godina Filmskog festivala u Sopotu” (50 years of the Film Festival in Sopot). As a screenwriter and director he made around 20 short animated films, some of the most famous being: “Krletka” (YU ASIFA award at March Festival  in 2002) “Odraz” (Reflection), “Predvodnik” (The Leader), “Brbljiva kornjača” (The Chatty Turtle), “Veština čitanja” (The Skill of Reading) and “Pasje doba” (The Dog Period). He was the screenwriter and director of a documentary film called “Pioniri niškog filma” (The Pioneers of Film in Niš) and the documentary-feature film “Upoznajte Toma Laha” (Meet Tom Lah). He was a jury member at festivals in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Greece. As of 2019 he’s the art director of Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival/March Festival.

He's the winner of the Yugoslav Cinematheque plaque, the diploma of the Association of Film Makers of Serbia and the “Tori Janković” award for decentralization of cinematography in Serbia.


Milen Alempijević (1965) is a writer and a publicist, and a founder and artistic director of the international animation festival ANIMANIMA in Čačak. Milen is author of a film study The Day Miles Davis Disappeared: Jazz and Film Narration (2016) and two books on animated film, The Art of Exaggeration: Notes from a Spectator (2014) and The Last Turn At Albuquerque (2022). He was an editor of special edition of the “Gradac” magazine (2012) dedicated to jazz. Milen was a member of the different juries on several European animation festivals, and his multimedia lecture Jazz and Animated Film was presented at animated film festivals in Serbia, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, Portugal and Spain. Author of the exhibition Comics & Jazz: Rhythms of the Space. Milen works at the Cultural Centre of Čačak as the editor of the Film Program.



